What Should You Really Focus on at Every Stage of Life? A Money Mindset Approach

When it comes to personal finance, questions like these often pop up: These types of questions can create a lot of stress, and while they are common, they can also be misleading. The truth is, one-size-fits-all financial guidelines are about as useful as relying on your astrological sign for investment advice. Just because a so-called […]

Ask an Advisor: Should I let a Financial Advisor Handle All My Money?

This question is a loaded one… but let’s answer it honestly and see what’s in it for you and for the advisor.  As a financial advisor, it is easier for me to handle all the money because I can invest the money based on our financial plan and strategy. If part of your money is […]

How do I Invest to get to $1 Million? A Simple Guide

If I had known what I know now about investing, maybe I would’ve reached millionaire status in my 20s, rather than in my 30s.  Achieving the goal of having $1 million in your investment portfolio might seem hard, but with the right strategy and mindset, it is absolutely attainable.  Let’s break this process down in […]