5 Things You’ll Want To Do Before Becoming An Entrepreneur

Leaving the bittersweet comfort of the corporate world to start your own business can be thrilling yet terrifying. As someone who’s left corporate to start my own successful financial advisory firm, I can tell you it’s one of the scariest things I’ve done. I want to share 5 pieces of advice I wish someone had […]

What Is A Money Mindset Coach?

Imagine winning $2.5 million dollars and within 5 years going bankrupt…. Don’t think it could happen to you? Think again. One out of three lottery winners go bankrupt. This scenario often stems from more than just reckless spending; it’s deeply rooted in your approach to money. Here’s where the crucial role of a Money Mindset […]

How This Resolution Could Transform Your Career in 2024

As you step into a new year, you might be reflecting on your career and the role it plays in your life. Did you know that over 60% of our day is often spent engaged in work-related activities? This profound investment of time means that, inevitably, your career becomes intertwined with your identity. But there’s […]

Money and Relationships: How to Bring Up The Conversation

It’s no secret that money can be a major source of tension in relationships. In fact, studies show it’s a leading cause of divorce, even surpassing infidelity. But while the importance of financial communication is undeniable, knowing when to initiate that conversation can be tricky. Why Money Matters From day-to-day budgeting to long-term financial goals, […]

Aligning Financial Goals With Your Partner

Navigating the Money Talk with Your Partner: Start Small, Dream Big Let’s be real, money is not the first thing that comes to mind when bringing up issues in your relationships-at least until money becomes a problem. But it’s also why money is a deeply neglected issue and a top reason for divorce.  Money talk […]

Don’t Say These 3 Things To Your Kids About Money

Many parents wonder when and how to begin teaching their children about money, but what they don’t realize is that they’re already teaching their kids every day with their own actions and words.  Everything a parent says, does and feels about money is taught to your child on a subconscious level. I typically coach parents […]

3 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Wealth – And How to Stop

Today, I want to tackle a critical topic that I see far too often: self-sabotage in our financial lives. Yes, it’s a thing, and it’s more common than you might think. I’m going to break down the top three ways people unknowingly sabotage their wealth…  “I don’t have time” This is just procrastination in disguise. […]

Avoiding Divorce: The Money Mistakes That Could Cost Your Marriage

In my years of advising couples on their finances, I’ve identified key red flags that can harm your bank account and your relationship.  Here are the top 3: The first major no-no is hiding money and debt from your partner. This move screams mistrust and fear. When you’re in a committed relationship, transparency about finances […]

How to Easily Surround Yourself with Successful People

You’ve heard the saying, “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”  I agree and as a financial advisor, I’ve seen some of my clients get dragged down financially by their family or friend circle and it ends up affecting their long term success. Yet despite this knowledge, they […]

Why Latino Millennials Face This Damaging Wealth Block

In total, according to research from AARP Public Policy Institute, nearly 7 million — or about 17% — of family caregivers in the U.S. are Hispanic-Latino. Everyone wants to be able to afford taking care of their parents. In the latino community especially, it’s pretty much a cultural value ingrained in our heritage. As our […]